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Showing Tag: "health care reform" (Show all posts)

A "Grandfathered" Health Plan - What it is and why you should know about it

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Wednesday, October 20, 2010, In : Health Care Reform 
A new term in health insurance with which you should probably familiarize yourself is "grandfathering." Understanding what it means and how it could affect you is important, particularly as it relates to individual health insurance. In fact, because I specialize in individual (as opposed to group, i.e. employer-based) health insurance, I'm not even going to address its implications for group coverage.

Do you remember when Pres. Obama kept emphasizing that if you liked your current health insur...
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Health Care Reform: Unintended Consequences

Posted by Sharon Nuttall on Tuesday, July 20, 2010, In : Health Care Reform 
Bits and pieces of Health Care Reform are beginning to fall into place, although of course the lion's share will not go into effect until 2014. As we agents figure out how to best help our current and future clients get and keep coverage, I'll be keeping you up to date on the latest and how it may impact your health insurance decisions. Decisions which, directly or indirectly, often affect life decisions
There is one particularly crucial point of which you should be aware, particularly if you...
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